Beect's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1807756ruby-graphvizRuby/Graphviz provides an interface to layout and generate images of directed graphs in...
26,69811,519ruby-xsltRuby/XSLT is a simple XSLT class based on libxml and libxsl...
315,76476,031atom-toolsatom-tools is an all-in-one Atom library. It parses and builds Atom (RFC 4287) entries ...
455,93776,031lipsumThis class allow you to retrive "lorem ipsum" placeholder text from
564,04576,031inkditA library for using the Inkdit API to sign, share and store contracts. This is both a ...
6123,89076,031ruby-xpathRuby/XPATH is a simple XPATH class based on libxml
7125,56976,031ruby-ivyIvy ( is a simple protocol and a set of open-sourc...