Defv's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,05412,113sumodevA command line tool to access all things you want
215,78272,978apache_configParses Apache config files, allowing for changes and then can output again
316,14013,807sumodev_deployDeploy to Sumocoders Dev server
421,88889,964deep_cloningAllows you to dup an ActiveRecord object with selectively keeping attributes / associat...
525,48244,356rjsonTemplate Handler for JSON
627,001121,991mollomRuby class for easy interfacing with the open API for spam detection and con...
728,98229,154compass_sumoThe SumoCoders CSS Framework
836,13762,344active_merchant_ogoneA plugin for Ogone support in ActiveRecord.
967,08162,344deploy_trackingTracking capistrano deploys in a deploy log file in the repository
10114,53362,344telos_lwcpA library to communicate with Telos VX devices that support the LWCP protocol
11116,25489,964title_helperTitleHelper allows you to keep your attributes synced with your


12117,12689,964easy_respondersEasily setup responders in your controller