Mikehale's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,6971,650platform-apiRuby HTTP client for the Heroku API.
22,03130,156foreman-upstart-scalingUpstart exporter for foreman, that supports worker scaling via env vars.
33,93745,533excon-middleware-aws-exponential_backoffExcon middleware to exponentially backoff calling AWS APIs when throttled or experienci...
44,3643,827prmdscaffold, verify and generate docs from JSON Schema
510,66176,031relishableRelease manager.
622,74922,323fog-bouncerA simple way to define and manage security groups for AWS with the backing support of fog.
717,37727,872daemons-mikehaleThis is Daemons 1.0.10 with the addition of Chris Kline's fix from http://blog.rapleaf....
819,15127,872releaseinatorExperimental support for rolling out release data to a system
952,62076,031pliny-libratoA Librato metrics reporter backend for pliny
1053,72376,031logplex-clientA client and library for Logplex
1190,70676,031rendezvous-socketUsing the help of a known publically routable [rendezvous-server](https://github.com/mi...
12116,94656,059uaidA small library useful to Rack-based Ruby applications for obtaining information about ...
13135,92176,031sinatra-resilient-routeEnsure that sinatra.route is set even when errors are raised in before
1482,54927,872dynect_rest-mikehaleUse the Dynect services REST API
1596,43827,872mhale-testTest gem that depends on pg
16131,77027,872scrolls-mikehaleLogging, easier, more consistent.