Sigmike's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
110,05211,162plain-davidAuto email plain text part generator
224,16919,172komponentAn opinionated way of organizing front-end code in Ruby on Rails, based on components
334,88675,347send_csvAdds to ApplicationController a send_csv method working like send_file.
446,26775,347rails-rateitRails wrapper for the jQuery RateIt plugin
555,94675,347rails_fix_google_bot_acceptRails fix for Google bot requests
660,47122,667ouvrages_scaffoldRails scaffold in HAML, using cancan and bootstrap
762,80475,347guard-haml-coffeeCompiles HamlCoffee templates to javascript
863,19056,155tarteaucitronA gem to install tarteaucitron, GeoIP and provide helpers to show social network buttons.
974,11275,347piglop-prawnPrawn is a fast, tiny, and nimble PDF generator for Ruby
1078,51840,391colissimo_zoneCountry zones for the French postal service Colissimo
1193,06675,347piglop-ovh-rbovh-rb helps you to use the OVH SOAPI in a ruby way
1293,66475,347rails_jquery_ui_datepickerMake Rails date helpers use the JQuery UI Datepicker
1396,83475,347ouvrages-tinymce-railsSeamlessly integrates TinyMCE into the Rails asset pipeline introduced in Rails 3.1.
1497,66475,347ouvrages-flvtool2FLVTool2 is a manipulation tool for Macromedia Flash Video files (FLV). It can calculat...
15100,25475,347rails_simple_backup_restoreA simple backup/restore gem for Rails
16115,27246,481faye-ouvragesSimple pub/sub messaging for the web
17121,16756,155chrome_extension_scaffoldGenerate a scaffold for a chrome extension
18131,54975,347ouvrages-haml2erbHaml to ERB Converter
19133,63075,347ouvrages-guard-haml2erbCompiles file.erb.haml into file.erb
20139,23675,347guard-herbalizerGuard plugin for herbalizer, to convert HAML to ERB