#43221's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
111,62937,467caboodleCaboodle is a Rack and Sinatra-based framework for creating websites which combine info...
243,23291,437sleepyUses Weary and Memcached to make for responsive mashups
357,07291,437stefl-chargifyRuby wrapper for the Chargify API
460,61791,437patAllows you to find geo-position for a UK postcode, as well as which local authority and...
575,56991,437ivesRuby gem to access the IVES Venue ID API
685,37137,467culturegridSimple access to the CultureGrid API
794,83291,437steflewandowski-geoapiA Ruby wrapper for the GeoAPI.com API based on the work of Chris Bruce. See http://api....
8127,34591,437stefl-sinmetricsA full-featured metrics extension for the sinatra webapp framework
9130,09291,437stefl-cucumberBehaviour Driven Development with elegance and joy