Rodjek's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,460-puppet-lintChecks your Puppet manifests against the Puppetlabs style guide and alerts you to any d...
21,651-rspec-puppetRSpec tests for your Puppet manifests.
34,933-puppet-lint-trailing_newline-checkExtends puppet-lint to ensure that your manifest files end with newlines.
435,848-puppet-profilerAnalyses your Puppet runs on a host and returns a list of resources that are slowing ...
539,157-grokA more featureful replacement for SEC (Simple Event Correlator) in Ruby.
6111,741-aussiesmsSend text messages via
7119,287-hapiGeneric HTTP API wrapper for Ruby
8131,131-hensonBundler for Puppet modules.