Jimmycuadra's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,317-lita-slackLita adapter for Slack.
23,845-litaChatOps for Ruby.
34,928-lita-default-handlersA set of handlers included by default in Lita.
47,329-lita-karmaA Lita handler for tracking karma points for arbitrary terms.
58,517-jquery-tmpl-railsAdds the jQuery Templates plugin and a corresponding Sprockets engine to the asset pipe...
611,193-lita-confirmationA Lita extension to require confirmation for commands.
717,736-lita-coinA Lita handler for flipping a coin.
819,480-lita-hipchatA HipChat adapter for Lita.
921,429-lita-google-imagesA Lita handler for fetching images from Google.
1024,713-to_langAdds language translation methods to strings and arrays, backed by the Google Translate...
1126,837-lita-retroA Lita handler to help manage topics for regular team retrospective meetings.
1227,691-vagrant-librarian-chefA Vagrant plugin to install Chef cookbooks using Librarian-Chef.
1329,155-lita-keyword-argumentsA Lita extension to extract CLI-style arguments from messages.
1429,308-lita-ircAn IRC adapter for Lita.
1541,538-lita-travisA Lita handler for receiving notifications from Travis CI.
1641,706-lita-urban-dictionaryA Lita handler for fetching definitions from Urban Dictionary.
1742,746-lita-googleA Lita handler for returning Google search results.
1853,460-lita-wordnikA Lita handler for dictionary functionality backed by Wordnik.
1953,503-lita-key-valueA Lita handler for storing snippets of text.
2055,963-lita-youtubeA Lita handler for displaying YouTube video information.
2160,722-lita-slack-handlerLita handler for Slack. Deprecated. Use lita-slack instead.
2266,586-lita-plsA Lita handler to respond to "Lita pls" correctly.
2368,123-lita-literally-litaA Lita handler to make Lita act like Lita.
2486,626-vagrant-sprinkleA Sprinkle provisioner for Vagrant.
2586,734-lita-digitaloceanA Lita handler for managing DigitalOcean services.
2696,124-guerilla_patchMonkey patch objects using Ruby 2.0 refinements, if available.
2797,902-lita-high-fiveA Lita handler that won't leave you hanging.
28130,677-pretty_chatA command line tool to clean up chat logs.
29136,824-lita-github-web-hooksGitHub web hook integration for Lita.
30136,990-tam_tamParse, filter, and analyze logs from online chat clients.
31153,387-lita-how-manyA Lita handler for answering questions about quantity.
32157,535-xmppAn XMPP library offering both a client and a server.
33165,721-penguinPenguin is a tool for creating presentations.