1 | 8,210 | 12,746 | fpm-cookery | A tool for building software packages with fpm. |
2 | 9,448 | 6,587 | as-notifications | Provides an instrumentation API for Ruby. It has been extracted from rails activesupport. |
3 | 14,947 | 30,828 | cucumber-sinatra | This little gem will help you to initialize a cucumber environment for a sinatra applic... |
4 | 15,401 | 91,437 | librrd | Ruby bindings for librrd. Extracted from the RRDtool source. |
5 | 44,929 | 21,676 | nagios_parser | The nagios_parser gem provides parsers for Nagios config and status files. |
6 | 50,241 | 91,437 | webmachine-test | Webmachine::Test provides a testing API for webmachine-ruby inspired by rack-test. |
7 | 90,886 | 91,437 | smstraderb | smstraderb provides a client library for the smstrade.de HTTP API. |
8 | 95,115 | 91,437 | guard-spinoff | Guard module for spinoff |
9 | 109,742 | 50,918 | chef-handler-graylog | Chef handler to send GELF events to Graylog |
10 | 120,722 | 50,918 | meac_control | Library to communicate with a Mitsubishi Electric G-50A centralized controller |
11 | 131,641 | 91,437 | dcell-hazelcast | Hazelcast registry for DCell |
12 | 132,720 | 91,437 | spinoff | Environment preloader |