Tulios's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,0935,609phobosPhobos is a microframework and library for kafka based applications, it wraps common be...
228,244143,384nightcrawler_swiftLike the X-Men nightcrawler this gem teleports your assets to a OpenStack Swift bucket/...
330,96916,497phobos_db_checkpointPhobos DB Checkpoint is a plugin to Phobos and is meant as a drop in replacement to Pho...
433,85164,836content_gatewayAn easy way to get external content with two cache levels. The first is a performance c...
539,44118,743phobos_checkpoint_uiPhobos Checkpoint UI is a GUI for phobos checkpoint API, it is compatible with https://...
647,24729,669proxy_machineA cool proxy implementation pattern in ruby
772,27164,836icosmith-railsCreates a rake task to generate a new font from svg files using icosmith server
875,383143,384tulios-brcobranca-rails2Gem que permite trabalhar com bloquetos de cobrança para bancos brasileiros. Fork d...
981,29036,098better_helpersIt is a better way to organize and maintain your Rails helpers. It's provide a simple p...
1090,997143,384liferay_database_config_readerAllow the rails portlet app to read and configure database with liferay portal-ext.prop...
1197,742143,384virtual_dateTo and from dates in a second
1298,09249,088sexy_downloadA Script that retrieves google chrome cookies and calls aria2c for multithreading download
13126,729143,384tulios-brcobrancaGem para emissão de bloquetos de cobrança de bancos brasileiros. Fork de http://github....