#43498's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,2864,595ffi-rzmqThis gem wraps the ZeroMQ networking library using the ruby FFI (foreign function inter...
29,45718,989stretcherThe elegant ElasticSearch client
314,81421,651dripdropEvented framework for ZeroMQ and EventMachine Apps.
417,21421,651em-zeromqLow level event machine support for ZeroMQ
525,34916,351email_address_validatorRFC Compliant Email Address Parsing using the KPEG grammars.
625,77416,895logstash-codec-nmapThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
754,43045,181interrotronA tiny, embeddable, lisp VM
885,89080,166mysql-xmlProvides a simple, fast way of parsing XML dumps of MySQL data, uses the REXML stream p...
9130,076110,038rfc-822-validatorImplementation of RFC-822