#43523's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
123,60543,437jasmine-ajaxThis is an asset gem version of the Pivotal jasmine mock ajax library
238,886147,217angular-rails4-templatesUse your angular templates with rails4/sprockets3 asset pipeline
341,86252,727jasminerice-runnerAdds a rake task to run jasmine specs using capybara
454,51380,166backtasticCreate backbone twitter bootstrap form views easily using helpers. Handle and display ...
574,61250,030npm_assetsAdds your npm modules to your rails asset path
681,002110,038bfec_generatorGenerates directories, adds gems for a backbone/coffeescript/jasmine application. Uses...
792,09474,122decision_tableIf you have decision algorithm that can be easily expressed in a table, this gem can help
899,79380,166ember-magic-tableUses ember-table. Makes all the properties editable. Is awesome(ish)
9105,127147,217am-sendgridMakes it easy to call the sendgrid SMTP api from ActionMailer
10110,626110,038backbone-handlebarsThat's all folks
11121,367110,038handleboneThat's all folks