Sorah's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,662-roadworkerRoadworker is a tool to manage Route53. It defines the state of Route53 using DSL, and ...
26,747-revision_plateRack middleware and application to show deployed application's revision (commit)
311,910-msgpack-rpcMessagePack-RPC, asynchronous RPC library using MessagePack
414,383-miamMiam is a tool to manage IAM. It defines the state of IAM using DSL, and updates IAM ac...
514,533-grpc_kitA kit for creating gRPC server/client
616,242-mamiyaDeploy tool using tarballs and serf for lot of servers
717,547-acmesmithAcmesmith is an [ACME (Automatic Certificate Management Environment)](
817,749-ruboty-slack_rtmSlack real time messaging adapter for Ruboty
918,302-itamae-secretsEncrypted Data Bag for itamae
1019,317-rrrspec-clientExecute RSpec in a distributed manner
1120,899-griffingRPC server and client for Ruby
1223,238-etcenvDump etcd keys into dotenv file or docker env file
1325,751-niconicowrapper of Mechanize, optimized for nicovideo. :)
1427,222-aws4_signerSimple signer module implements AWS4 signature
1529,081-villeinUse serf ( from Ruby.
1629,772-griffin-interceptorsA collection of interceptors for griffin
1731,052-etcd-etcvaultetcd-ruby extension for etcvault
1832,322-daysSimple blog system built up with Sinatra.
1932,559-rrrspec-serverExecute RSpec in a distributed manner
2032,738-rrrspec-webExecute RSpec in a distributed manner
2136,360-tclogParser for etconsole.log of TrueCombat:Elite (TC:E)
2236,438-rrrspecExecute RSpec in a distributed manner
2345,438-focuslightLightning Fast Graphing/Visualization, built on RRDTool
2445,905-hochoServer provisioning tool with itamae
2546,356-akaneLog the timeline
2652,851-pendaxesThrow axes to pending makers!
2769,314-spec_markerMark the timestamp of RSpec example starts/ends, and log other stuff for profiling
2874,400-akane-imkayacstorage plugin for akane | sends matched tweets to im.kayac
2974,822-clarionWeb-based WebAuthn (U2F) Helper for CLI operations (SSH login...)
3075,941-trw'Have a nice day!' in some languages
3187,087-graphed_fuzzy_searchfilter items like Slack switcher, Atom command palette
3289,311-codilyCodificate Fastly configuration
3390,053-s3_proxyS3 reverse proxy rack app that accepts multiple buckets.
3490,536-nginx_omniauth_adapteromniauth adapter for ngx_http_auth_request_module
3591,212-anti_offensive_stringRespond error for requests include some offensive string, that may crash browsers
3694,804-tinatraRuby implemented DSL, designed for twitter bot.
3797,681-nicoloidnicoloid downloads video from, and convert videos to mp3 using ffmpeg.
38102,323-binpkgbotYour robot to build Gentoo binpkgs in clean environment, continously
39109,545-hocho-ec2Hocho gem plugin to discover hosts in EC2
40115,488-ruboty-imascgLet ruboty find imas_cg cards using Thanks @sekaiasia for providing th...
41116,507-ruboty-fopJapan Airlines FOP/Mileage calculation via Ruboty
42117,029-ruboty-monday_is_comingruboty monday is coming
43118,496-easy-docWrite a document easily. Write a document, run command to rendering.
44122,197-fopscraping client of Japan Airlines FOP/Mileage calculator
45124,660-mobicoderconvert codes to mobi file for reading codes on kindle
47126,489-haruharuabout streaming receiver. streaming server is not included.
48129,793-akane-bigqueryGoogle Bigquery storage adapter for akane.gem
49132,802-fluent-plugin-tag-ignorePlugin for fluentd, this allows you to specify ignore patterns for match.
50134,370-wlc_snmpWrapper of snmp.gem for easy interacting with Cisco WLC
51135,746-eorzea_timeA clock in Eorzea
52136,350-corpshort"go/" like private link shortener for internal purpose
53137,178-eorzea_weatherEorzean Weather Forecast
54137,883-fluent-plugin-nfct-parserFluentd parser plugin for libnetfilter_conntrack snprintf format
55138,172-katakuchikatakuchi is...
56140,230-ruboty-fastlyRuboty plugin for Fastly chat-ops
57141,419-snmp2mkrCollect SNMP values then send to
58148,078-str_dn_2030Control STR-DN-2030 via TCP.
59149,657-etcwebWeb UI for etcd
60151,413-ruboty-ircRuboty IRC adapter
61156,557-apigatewayv2_rackhandle AWS Lambda API Gateway V2 or ALB (ELBv2) lambda request event with Rack application
62165,594-force_unspecifiedRack app redirects to a SAML IdP URL with changing NameIdPolicy in SAMLRequest to unspe...
63166,567-wifidiagQuick Wi-Fi diagnostic page for users, to support network ops
64168,128-hako-github_statusHako Script to update app image tag with GitHub commit status
65168,471-hako-codebuildHako script to retrieve a latest commit from AWS CodeBuild as a image tag
66170,179-himekoAWS IAM access key self service & management console federated login
67171,223-itamae-plugin-resource-portageItamae resources for Gentoo Portage
68172,187-himariSmall OIDC IdP for small teams - Omniauth to OIDC
69172,234-hocho-jwtPass JWT to servers using hocho
70174,863-mayuRack app to locate employees in an office by Wi-Fi MAC address and WLC association data
71175,707-omniauth-himariOmniAuth strategy to act as OIDC RP and use [Himari]( f...
72177,834-himari-awsAWS related plugins for Himari
73181,182-kozekiConvert markdown files to rendered JSON files with index for static website blogging
74181,216-kozeki-awsAWS plugins for Kozeki