Gaffneyc's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1788-delayed_jobDelayed_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer ...
21,503-interactorInteractor provides a common interface for performing complex user interactions.
32,647-interactor-railsInteractor Rails provides Rails support for the Interactor gem.
42,842-snitcherSimple API client for
53,522-delayed_job_mongoidMongoid backend for delayed_job
66,139-sunspot-queueBackground search indexing using existing worker systems.
76,672-sunspot_testTesting sunspot with cucumber can be a pain. This gem will automatically start/stop sol...
86,921-uspsUSPS Webtools API for Ruby
922,756-kafkaKafka provides binding to librdafka as well as a default producer and consumer implemen...
1065,836-delayed_job_data_mapperDataMapper backend for delayed_job
11109,576-armoryLibrary for downloading and parsing the wow armory
12117,418-em-pusherEventMachine client for
13164,329-cronCron syntax parser
14181,838-simple_fcmSimpleFCM is a minimal client for sending push notifications using the the Firebase Clo...