Jasongladish's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,5926,618acts_as_archival*Atomic archiving/unarchiving for ActiveRecord-based apps* We had the problem that act...
25,8168,460docraptorA native client library for the DocRaptor HTML to PDF/XLS service.
36,7778,361instrumental_agentThis agent supports Instrumental custom metric monitoring for Ruby applications. It pro...
47,41820,236doc_raptorEasily create PDF and Excel files from html in your Ruby application using the DocRapto...
512,41723,497metricianAutomatically report the most important metrics about your ruby application, from reque...
617,73615,083instrumental_toolsA collection of scripts useful for monitoring servers and services with Instrumental (i...
720,69517,204active_mailerApplications that have complex email sending logic have DRYness problems. ActiveMailer ...
826,59926,305web_server_config_generatorautomatically generate web server config files for you projects directory
929,50123,497jason-o-matic-deep_testDeepTest runs tests in multiple processes.
1062,13160,424docraptor-cliA native command line client library for the DocRaptor HTML to PDF/XLS service.
1164,69370,697cf_ruby_gemswrap up common required gems into one gem for bundling
1268,63384,840external_resque_workerEasy way to manage running one or more resque processes during testing
1371,20670,697eb_capistrano_extensionsProvides useful capistrano extensions for use in multiple projects
1476,748105,358assertions-ebThis project adds some additional assertions to Test::Unit::Assertions, including asser...
1592,88984,840instrumental_pubnub_exampleRelay PubNub data to instrumentalapp.com
16124,305136,377ninjabutton_chargify_api_aresA Chargify API wrapper for Ruby using ActiveResource
17132,75184,840readonly_partyThis is meant to be used in the same way as HTTParty and uses it under the covers. Exce...
18156,942136,377statsite-instrumentalStatsite sink for instrumentalapp.com