#43800's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,778-voltA reactive Ruby web framework where your Ruby code runs on both the server and the clie...
221,735-thor-sshMakes it so you can set a remote destination for thor's actions (via ssh/sftp)
326,137-volt-fieldsProvides controls for text and textarea fields with built in error reporting and bootst...
430,505-volt-user_templatesVolt user templates provide out of the box templates for users to signup, login, and lo...
532,407-volt-bootstrapTwitter Bootstrap for the volt framework
638,901-pawneePawnee attempts to build a better server provisioning system
743,237-stair_carStairCar is a fully featured matrix library for jruby (think matlab or numpy)
844,894-volt-editable-textVolt component that gives a :editable-text control which shows text, and lets you edit ...
945,745-volt-mongoMongo database drivers for volt
1052,832-volt-mailerA simple way to send e-mail from within a Volt app.
1154,633-volt-google-mapsA google maps component for Volt
1255,421-volt-paginationA Volt component that provides a :pagination tag
1356,819-volt-user-templatesVolt user templates provide out of the box templates for users to signup, login, and lo...
1457,902-volt-bootstrap-jumbotron-themeBasic jumbotron theme for volt when using bootstrap
1559,629-volt-google_mapsA google maps component for Volt
1659,809-volt-sqlsql database drivers for volt
1775,927-snapmonProvides an interface to configure monitoring via snapmon.com from a config file.
1883,399-volt-browser_irbA simple console that runs opal in the browser
1996,962-volt-sockjsSockJS is a WebSocket emulation library. It means that you use the WebSocket API, only ...
2097,497-volt-bootstrap_jumbotron_themeBasic jumbotron theme for volt when using bootstrap
21109,051-volt-bootflatBootflat Bootstrap theme for Volt framework
22112,039-volt-code_highlightSimple code highlighting component in volt
23114,226-volt-datepickerA field which shows a datepicker when focused
24116,282-volt-redis_message_busA message bus strategy for Volt using redis
25117,442-samplerbenvissueDemo of a rbenv issue I'm having
26117,604-volt-image_resizerA gem that provides an image resizing service with optional amazon cloudfront caching
27117,691-volt-s3_uploaderA direct to s3 file uploader
28153,942-volt-daterangeVolt wrapper for daterangepicker (bootstrap date picker)