Davidjrice's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,4072,211asset_syncAfter you run assets:precompile your compiled assets will be synchronised with your S3 ...
215,06452,733cardboardfishRuby API for Cardboardfish SMS http://www.cardboardfish.com
324,13826,305fabric-railsThis gem provides fabric.js for your Rails 3 application via the asset pipeline.
447,24052,733validator.nuruby client library for the validator.nu HTML5 validation API
565,382105,358compass-squaregrid-pluginThe Square Grid System is a simple grid system for designers and developers http://thes...
670,97234,868atcoSimple and opinionated library for parsing ATCO .cif files to JSON with Ruby
795,35060,424validates_as_uk_postcodeA library for validating uk postcodes
8180,33084,840perplexityOpenAI based API client for the Perplexity AI API