Pioz's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
116,54213,285chessA fast chess library that use bitboards to play chess with Ruby.
218,56558,808magicmonkeyManage your Rails applications: different Ruby versions and different application servers.
329,03016,860ximateApproximate fuzzy search for Ruby on Rails activerecord models.
429,49647,536epilotto_curriculumGet Enrico Pilotto's Curriculm Vitae typing 'epilotto' from your terminal.
537,28458,808gimdbGTK graphical interface for Internet Movie DataBase. You can create users and save for ...
649,94816,860backupperBackupper is a tool to backup all your databases spread all over the world
750,64847,536goobalize3Auto translate with Google Translate the Globalize3 attributes
876,77031,183bit_settingsBitSettings is a plugin for ActiveRecord that transform a column of your model in a set...
991,83689,538rocket_launcherA Ruby library to control your USB Rocket Launcher device.
1096,75789,538speakText 2 speech using Google Translate service.
1198,63831,183tvdb2Ruby wrapper for TVDB api version 2 (https://api.thetvdb.com/swagger).
12112,60889,538neutron-ruby-electronMini framework to build desktop app with Electron and Ruby
13123,50858,808pagerankerCheck the PageRank of a website.
14124,71089,538ruby-stardateCalculates the Star Trek stardate and vice versa
15126,04358,808rplotGNU libplot is a free function library for drawing two-dimensional vector graphics. It ...
16135,14289,538to_jFast JSON serializer for Rails based on Jbuilder and concept of views.
17148,72889,538rack-strongfyWrap specific words with strong tag
18153,62758,808telegram_imdb_botTelegram bot that retrieves movies info through IMDB
19161,00389,538next_on_railsNext On Rails is a Ruby gem and a NPM package that help developers connecting Rails --a...
20162,39089,538exception_alarmPlay alarm sound when an exception is raised.
21177,71389,538pluckerPlucker allows projecting a query into a specifically defined struct for the query.