Freerobby's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,81714,683sendgrid_toolkitA Ruby wrapper and utility library for communicating with the Sendgrid API.
26,3695,871nsq-rubyRuby client library for NSQ
36,74714,287wistia-apiA ruby library for working with Wistia's data API.
410,61629,930akismetorSpam protection with Akismet and Typepad
529,58920,236nsq-clusterSetup nsqd, nsqlookupd, and nsqadmin in a jiffy. Great for testing!
634,01841,979cavalcadeResque can be very useful outside of a web app, too. What if you want to write jobs in ...
740,80246,623middle_managementMiddle Management hires and fires your delayed_job workers automatically so that you ge...
841,97327,962readonceCreates readonce entries and provides a token URL.
950,03738,031wistia-uploaderA simple CLI uploader for Wistia users.
1084,78184,840tickr_clientA Ruby Client for interacting with a Tickr server