1 | 788 | - | delayed_job | Delayed_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer ... |
2 | 838 | - | delayed_job_active_record | ActiveRecord backend for Delayed::Job, originally authored by Tobias Lütke |
3 | 1,000 | - | simple_oauth | Simply builds and verifies OAuth headers |
4 | 1,204 | - | figaro | Simple, Heroku-friendly Rails app configuration using ENV and a single YAML file |
5 | 1,261 | - | audited | Log all changes to your models |
6 | 1,503 | - | interactor | Interactor provides a common interface for performing complex user interactions. |
7 | 1,522 | - | json_spec | RSpec matchers and Cucumber steps for testing JSON content |
8 | 2,312 | - | rspec-wait | RSpec::Wait enables time-resilient expectations in your RSpec test suite. |
9 | 2,647 | - | interactor-rails | Interactor Rails provides Rails support for the Interactor gem. |
10 | 2,842 | - | snitcher | Simple API client for deadmanssnitch.com |
11 | 3,500 | - | audited-activerecord | Log all changes to your ActiveRecord models |
12 | 3,675 | - | mongo_mapper | MongoMapper is a Object-Document Mapper for Ruby and Rails |
13 | 4,592 | - | tinder | A Ruby API for interfacing with Campfire, the 37Signals chat application. |
14 | 12,037 | - | vestal_versions | Keep a DRY history of your ActiveRecord models' changes |
15 | 13,567 | - | acts_as_geocodable | Simple geocoding for Active Record models. See the README for more details. |
16 | 16,730 | - | gemnasium-parser | Safely parse Gemfiles and gemspecs |
17 | 23,220 | - | periscope | Push your models' scopes up to the surface |
18 | 26,835 | - | periscope-activerecord | Push your Active Record models' scopes up to the surface |
19 | 30,491 | - | audited-mongo_mapper | Log all changes to your MongoMapper models |
20 | 30,614 | - | videoclip | Save videos from popular sites alongside your ActiveRecord models |
21 | 38,816 | - | has_token | Generate unique tokens on your ActiveRecord models |
22 | 41,196 | - | periscope-mongoid | Push your Mongoid models' scopes up to the surface |
23 | 46,215 | - | scrubby | Clean up your incoming ActiveRecord model attributes |
24 | 48,050 | - | fair_dice_roll | Chosen by fair dice roll. Guaranteed to be random. |
25 | 53,649 | - | periscope-mongo_mapper | Push your MongoMapper models' scopes up to the surface |
26 | 56,195 | - | lytix | Easily include Google Analytics in your Rails app |
27 | 57,132 | - | unicode_math | Fun Ruby extensions for doing math with Unicode |
28 | 59,352 | - | insecure_random | InsecureRandom overwrites SecureRandom to enable predictability via seeding. |
29 | 60,513 | - | mycroseconds | Enjoy microsecond precision in your MySQL updated_at timestamp |
30 | 68,075 | - | freno-client | freno-client is a Ruby library that interacts with Freno using HTTP. Freno is a throttl... |
31 | 71,883 | - | periscope-data_mapper | Push your DataMapper models' scopes up to the surface |
32 | 80,556 | - | cache_flow | Easily cache XML builder fragments |
33 | 90,592 | - | nullify | Nuke blank values in ActiveRecord models |
34 | 93,610 | - | memdash | A dashboard for your memcache |
35 | 94,854 | - | shado_puppet | A Ruby interface for the Moonshado SMS delivery API. |
36 | 102,823 | - | search | Simple search |
37 | 110,222 | - | belongs_to_versioned | Simplify associations using vestal_versions or acts_as_versioned |
38 | 117,391 | - | email_override | Intercept ActionMailer email deliveries in non-production environments |
39 | 117,604 | - | kitt | KITT is an experimental Ruby engine for handling Slack commands. |
40 | 119,807 | - | capital | Extend your database columns, converting values to/from rich objects |
41 | 125,189 | - | search_party | Parse your query parameters into more meaningful values |
42 | 129,678 | - | memdash-activerecord | A dashboard for your memcached, storing data in ActiveRecord. |
43 | 132,131 | - | memdash-mongo_mapper | A dashboard for your memcached, storing data in MongoMapper. |
44 | 134,999 | - | slack_progress_bar | Generate beautiful progress bars using custom Slack emoji |
45 | 143,766 | - | newcomb | Generate random numbers that adhere to Benford's Law |