#44751's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,45716,132active_paypal_adaptive_paymentThis library is meant to interface with PayPal's Adaptive Payment Gateway.
226,70531,961restful-authenticationGenerates common user authentication code for Rails/Merb, with a full test/unit and rsp...
345,22585,863spree_mini_contactBasically the easiest way to implement a contact form.
470,57185,863Kharites-toolsTools for Karites.
587,98485,863jpablobr-sinatra-authorizationjpablobr-sinatra-authorization HTTP Authorization helpers for Sinatra.
689,17385,863jpablobr-freshbooks.rbFreshbooks integration for Ruby
797,78485,863mthdspoolLists Ruby objects methods by searching them in ObjectSpace and filtering them with grep.
897,82160,164spree_paypal_adaptive_paymentAdd PayPal Adaptive Payments to Spree store
998,82085,863spree_product_enquiryBasically the easiest way to implement a product enquiry form.
1099,16160,164ttycokeTTYCoke enables coloring on ANSI terminals based on regular expressions.
11100,50085,863simple-spawnSimple processes spawner that makes scripting UNIX pipes a breeze.
12120,00549,460ccheckA small implementation of the Luhn algorithm.
13122,30085,863jpablobr-freshbooksjpablobr-freshBooks is a Ruby interface to the FreshBooks API. It exposes easy-to-use c...
14123,41285,863gem-etagsAutomatic etags generation on gem install
15129,79485,863refinerycms-whatsonStraightforward what\'s on engine for RefineryCMS.
16165,62485,863f4rSimple .FIT file encoder/decoder