Codegram's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,8592,126date_validatorA simple, ORM agnostic, Ruby 1.9 compatible date validator for Rails 3+, based on Activ...
23,71310,923spinachSpinach is a BDD framework on top of gherkin
33,78211,168gherkin-rubyGherkin-ruby is a Gherkin parser in pure Ruby using Rexical and Racc
43,92437,467spinach-railsspinach-rails adds Rails support to spinach
55,9238,324hyperclientHyperclient is a Ruby Hypermedia API client.
67,49150,918futuroscopeFuturoscope is yet another simple gem that implements the Futures concurrency pattern.
713,80437,467resortPositionless model sorting for Rails.
814,67350,918guard-spinachguard-spinach is a guard plugin for spinach
914,83411,298acts_as_decimalRails 3 gem to treat an attribute as a decimal (getting and setting floating-point valu...
1021,25714,275markdownizerRender any text as markdown, with code highlighting and all!
1127,97991,437rack-webconsoleRack-based console inside your web applications
1230,51230,828simple_currencyA really simple currency converter using XavierMedia API. It's Ruby 1.8, 1.9 and JRuby ...
1331,79117,063empresaula-assetsAssets needed to build empresaula third-party apps
1432,39091,437pelusaStatic analysis Lint-type tool to improve your OO Ruby code
1545,70823,720button_formbutton_form replaces all tags with in your forms
1650,76091,437remarkable_date_validatorRemarkable matchers for date_validator
1753,04250,918autilityDownloads utility invoices from common spanish firms such as Endesa or Vodafone.
1855,52223,720colorantEasily extract the colors of any image file!
1960,96491,437empresaula-apiRuby wrapper for interacting with Empresaula's API
2061,59226,546gramInternal client for Codegram administration
2164,55691,437hypermodelRails Responder to generate an automagic JSON HAL representation for your Mongoid models
2265,35026,546cheezburgerBDD for lolcats! Just require it in your Gemfile and you got funny specs for free!
2375,68730,828hoygancopA gem for easy detection and correction of hoygans
2479,16530,828colorblindColorblind extends ActiveSupport logger with trendy colorschemes from the 90's!
2585,87091,437sass-imagesA sass helper that knows how to deal with images
2690,03830,828hackershoutShout your hackerness! Promote your work on Reddit, Hackernews and Ruby Flow.
2794,72391,437prawn-qrPrawn-qr is a prawn extension for creating QR Codes inside of a prawn document
2895,40337,467hoygan_validatorAn activemodel validator for hoyganness
29118,78250,918dm-machinistdm-machinist is a datamapper adapter for machinist 2.0
30123,76237,467course_scraperGives you a list of all courses in Spanish vocational education.
31129,85891,437owemegodA gem for easily distribute debts among friends