#44798's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,6066,397msgpack_railsMessage Pack for Rails.
29,95014,615devise_uidAdd UID support to Devise
314,76276,031multi_notifierSimple and flexbile library for sending notifications
451,48676,031message_queueA common interface to multiple message queues libraries.
560,02576,031jekyll_and_hydeJekyllAndHyde is a HTML presentation generator that generates a basic Jekyll scaffold w...
666,73676,031priority_testRun tests in priority
785,74476,031sql_parserA Ruby SQL parser based on Treetop.
890,85576,031ruby_grepImplementing full functionality of the "grep" command in Unix/Linux system with Ruby. S...
999,47376,031virtus-dirtyAdd dirty tracking of attributes to your ruby objects
1099,74376,031vpmAn awesome utility for managing Vim plugins
11108,73156,059rabRails Assets Buidler (RAB) builds Rails asset as a gem from a bower project.
12118,92156,059buildzillaA fast light weight build server.
13132,65976,031tic_tac_toe_engineA Tic Tac Toe engine.
14148,61776,031rbfmtFormat your Ruby code.