1 | 4,335 | 5,190 | ffi-rzmq | This gem wraps the ZeroMQ networking library using the ruby FFI (foreign
function inter... |
2 | 4,739 | 5,288 | ffi-rzmq-core | This gem provides only the FFI wrapper for the ZeroMQ (0mq) networking library.
Pro... |
3 | 6,570 | 8,128 | slack-ruby-bot | The easiest way to write a Slack bot in Ruby. |
4 | 16,385 | 56,059 | rubysl-socket | Socket standard library for Rubinius. |
5 | 30,304 | 76,031 | zmqmachine | ZMQMachine is another Ruby implementation of the reactor pattern but this
time using 0m... |
6 | 55,674 | 45,533 | nn-core | Wraps the nanomsg networking library using the ruby FFI (foreign
function interface). I... |
7 | 165,494 | 76,031 | slack_ruby_bot_authorization | Easy way to build a whitelist authorization mechanism for slack ruby bot
commands. De... |