#45095's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,74576,031vtigerUse to access vtiger crm system from ruby.
215,91215,366ficonabsesSimple way to send emails from your application.
316,05476,031mad_mimi_twoUsing Mad Mimi on rails 3, rails 2 and from commandline. All of the elegant portions o...
422,70076,031hwidGet a rough hardware id of the system that the gem is running on
527,20820,294estorm-message-processora gem to help rails app process AMQP queues for background jobs and client mgmt
634,40676,031textechoCommon application format for telkcomcel in Timor Leste.
735,60024,203email-authenticationTry and authenticate email address, check format, lookup mx record and check smtp conne...
848,11776,031wolfram_databinUpload data to wolfram databin mathematica via ruby
956,88176,031randprizeSelect a random prize from a list with odds
10109,24045,533estorm_buttonTools for raspberry pi and other remote access