Danmelton's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
124,11789,538granicus-platform-apiWrapper for the Granicus Open Platform API v1.x
231,39058,808open311A Ruby wrapper for the Open311 API v2.
331,79289,538recallsA Ruby wrapper for the Recalls APIs.
435,05189,538RecallsA Ruby wrapper for the Recalls APIs.
544,57589,538heydanUse HeyDan to download, munge and manage data for jurisdictions
657,06689,538lucene_queryQuery builder for the Lucene (and Solr) search engine.
759,24289,538fcc_rebootWrapper for FCC API
866,38847,536competeAPI for http://developer.compete.com/
993,94240,337usaspendingRuby gem wrapper for USAspending.gov