Joaomilho's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,1746,201html2slimConvert HTML to Slim templates. Because HTML sux and Slim rules. That's why.
24,9446,873activerecord-postgres-hstoreThis gem adds support for the postgres hstore type. It is the _just right_ alternative ...
325,02664,836maileePermite sincronizar automaticamente seus modelos com o, inclusive com gerenci...
435,01519,330shootA helper to take shots on BrowserStack. Run the shoot binary for more info.
568,84264,836brazilian-documents-validationsValidations for CPF and CNPJ
670,10949,088labelizelabel your models, so you can have easier selects and other useful stuff
778,10641,377status_quoNo CONSTANTS. No numbers. No stupid state machines. F*cking simple stuff.
885,465143,384nanopopNanopop API
9101,99064,836bankcrawlers-hapoalimA crappy crawler for a crappy bank interface
10105,29049,088table2pngGenerates a png based on an HTML table
11105,87364,836bank-crawlers-hapoalimA crappy crawler for a crappy bank interface
12137,46564,836crashlytics-crawlerA crappy crawler for crashlytics