Petergoldstein's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1351624dalliHigh performance memcached client for Ruby
21,4131,668ruby-enumEnum-like behavior for Ruby.
31,6741,787dalli-elasticacheThis gem provides an interface for fetching cluster information from an AWS ElastiC...
42,5654,542acts_as_commentable_with_threadingPolymorphic threaded comments Rails gem for Rails 4+
515,77012,541dns_adapterAn adapter layer for DNS queries.
616,30850,918coppertoneCoppertone includes tools for parsing SPF DNS records, evaluating the result of SPF che...
779,39116,356stub_saml_idpStub SAML IdP (Identity Provider) library
8174,94926,546asimovA Ruby client for the OpenAI API support for multiple API configurations in a single ap...