Tompesman's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
128,08632,202push-apnsAPNS support for the modular push daemon.
228,25037,508push-gcmGCM support for the modular push daemon.
331,87125,521pushr-corePushr daemon for push notification services like APNS (iOS/Apple) and GCM (Android).
433,04337,508push-corePush daemon for push notification services like APNS (iOS/Apple) and GCM/C2DM (Android).
535,91632,202pushr-apnsAPNS support for the modular push daemon.
642,18837,508pushr-gcmGCM support for the modular push daemon.
744,48937,508push-c2dmC2DM support for the modular push daemon.
878,07266,982bag-rubyGem to access the BAG API. This gem provides helpers to communicate with the BAG API
979,69457,293pushr-fcmFCM support for the modular push daemon.
10122,489142,209mini_geocodeSmall geocoding plugin based on google geocode api, no dependencies required.
11130,35680,630pushr-apns2APNS support for the modular push daemon.
12172,904102,505pushr-wnsWNS support for the modular push daemon.