Branch14's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
126,43715,158ghost_readeri18n backend to ghost_writer service
230,10591,437gh-eventsDetermine Github event types by their payload.
350,15091,437trackchangeTrack change of websites
452,99430,828trickeryReusable ruby trickery.
572,86930,828guard-mozreplmake guard reload the current tab when things change
684,35391,437rack-rUse R in your Rack stack
789,15750,918bumpy_bridgeBridging RabbitMQ and Faye.
8107,19350,918aizuchiCollect instant feedback into Redmine
9117,83991,437profmemA simple tool to profile memory, built to identify memory leaks.
10118,73291,437phlegethonBridging PayPal Webhooks to RabbitMQ
11124,45050,918markitupRack Middleware to turn text areas into rich text editors
12127,66050,918auphonicA ruby wrapper and CLI for the Auphonic API.
13128,36691,437rpostfgenerate PostFinance (Swiss Post) URLs and vaildate responses
14131,58291,437rocraAn OCRA (RFC 6287) implementation in Ruby
15133,26450,918mountable_cmsA mountable CMS for Rails
16134,57537,467acheronListens to RabbitMQ and spams Slack.
17135,38791,437view_trackertrack the view, which is render by rails
18157,86550,918fog-cloudianFog API wrapper for the Cloudian Hyperstore REST APIs
19177,86891,437yaml_extensionsExtensions to make YAML even more useful