1 | 26,437 | 15,158 | ghost_reader | i18n backend to ghost_writer service |
2 | 30,105 | 91,437 | gh-events | Determine Github event types by their payload. |
3 | 50,150 | 91,437 | trackchange | Track change of websites |
4 | 52,994 | 30,828 | trickery | Reusable ruby trickery. |
5 | 72,869 | 30,828 | guard-mozrepl | make guard reload the current tab when things change |
6 | 84,353 | 91,437 | rack-r | Use R in your Rack stack |
7 | 89,157 | 50,918 | bumpy_bridge | Bridging RabbitMQ and Faye. |
8 | 107,193 | 50,918 | aizuchi | Collect instant feedback into Redmine |
9 | 117,839 | 91,437 | profmem | A simple tool to profile memory, built to identify memory leaks. |
10 | 118,732 | 91,437 | phlegethon | Bridging PayPal Webhooks to RabbitMQ |
11 | 124,450 | 50,918 | markitup | Rack Middleware to turn text areas into rich text editors |
12 | 127,660 | 50,918 | auphonic | A ruby wrapper and CLI for the Auphonic API. |
13 | 128,366 | 91,437 | rpostf | generate PostFinance (Swiss Post) URLs and vaildate responses |
14 | 131,582 | 91,437 | rocra | An OCRA (RFC 6287) implementation in Ruby |
15 | 133,264 | 50,918 | mountable_cms | A mountable CMS for Rails |
16 | 134,575 | 37,467 | acheron | Listens to RabbitMQ and spams Slack. |
17 | 135,387 | 91,437 | view_tracker | track the view, which is render by rails |
18 | 157,865 | 50,918 | fog-cloudian | Fog API wrapper for the Cloudian Hyperstore REST APIs |
19 | 177,868 | 91,437 | yaml_extensions | Extensions to make YAML even more useful |