Guten's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
119,16168,625tagena lightweight core and extra extensions for Ruby.
225,18768,625paa path library for Ruby
331,96368,625ragA project helper, include create, develop, test, release helper.
433,84830,016ofrom version 2.0.4, it renamed to optimism, new home page is
542,63751,041pda print helper method for debug to Kernel
656,39068,625oldtimeThe backup & restore system that fits you well. It's a highly customizable and configu...
759,73368,625github-api-railsJavascript bindings for the Github API
9111,29051,041sprockets-handlebars_templatea handlebars template for sprockets.
10116,44651,041benhello world
11122,70068,625guten-mtgoxAn improved version of mtgox-gem with HTTP API v1
12123,20568,625github-widgeta client-side, complete Github Widget, include reposotires, user activities, .... devel...
13126,96468,625gnotea gnote.vim plugin
14130,97768,625tagenjsAn extension to JavaScript