1 | 19,215 | 8,963 | metaractor | Adds parameter validation and error control to interactor |
2 | 23,630 | 108,739 | redlock-rb | Redlock Redis-based distributed locks implementation in Ruby |
3 | 23,980 | 22,830 | ryansch-andand | Maybe Monad in idiomatic Ruby. |
4 | 31,502 | 49,619 | shipitron | A deployment tool for use with Docker and ECS. |
5 | 32,959 | 11,406 | outstand-sycamore | Sycamore is an unordered tree data structure. |
6 | 35,196 | 19,070 | ops_preflight | Preflight and deploy applications |
7 | 45,515 | 108,739 | has_schedule | Exposes an ice_cube schedule object and serializes it. |
8 | 47,266 | 66,440 | aide | Allows a user to mash up keys without multiple calls to Consul |
9 | 47,564 | 66,440 | faraday_persistent_excon | Adds configurable connection pools per host for persistent http connections |
10 | 47,881 | 66,440 | ace-eye | FORK FOR TESTING. Process monitoring tool. Inspired from Bluepill and God. Requires Rub... |
11 | 48,207 | 49,619 | rescue-me | Instead of hardcoding lists of exceptions to rescue, put them in one place! |
12 | 59,671 | 49,619 | ryansch-ts-resque-delta | Manage delta indexes via Resque for Thinking Sphinx |
13 | 63,852 | 108,739 | consul_bridge | Discover consul master nodes and join local agent |
14 | 64,507 | 66,440 | guard-zeus-client | Guard::ZeusClient automatically runs a zeus command (test by default) when your files c... |
15 | 69,433 | 108,739 | ace_redlock | Redlock Redis-based distributed locks implementation in Ruby |
16 | 72,323 | 108,739 | eye-notify-hipchat | Adds a hipchat notifier to eye |
17 | 73,400 | 108,739 | consul_stockpile | Bootstrap and backup for consul kv store |
18 | 79,545 | 108,739 | ace-debugger-ruby_core_source | Provide Ruby core source files for C extensions that need them. |
19 | 80,440 | 108,739 | ryansch-mock_redis | Instantiate one with `redis = MockRedis.new` and treat it like you would a normal Redis... |
20 | 83,102 | 66,440 | ryansch-awesome_print | Great Ruby dubugging companion: pretty print Ruby objects to visualize their structure.... |
21 | 92,685 | 66,440 | hash_args | fetch_arg and fetch_arg_array add additional options to Hash's fetch method. |
22 | 99,782 | 108,739 | ryansch-resque-loner | Makes sure that for special jobs, there can be only one job with the same workload in o... |
23 | 104,534 | 41,117 | ryansch-capybara-mechanize | RackTest driver for Capybara, but with remote request support thanks to mechanize |
24 | 118,193 | 12,225 | metaractor-sycamore | Sycamore is an unordered tree data structure. |
25 | 124,723 | 49,619 | node_heartbeat | Heartbeat server IPs to S3 |
26 | 125,998 | 66,440 | mail_actual_recipient | Parses the actual recipient header to determine the destinations. |
27 | 130,344 | 108,739 | ryansch-paperclip | Easy upload management for ActiveRecord |
28 | 132,886 | 108,739 | ryansch-resque_spec | RSpec matchers for Resque |
29 | 133,217 | 108,739 | ryansch-bluepill | Bluepill keeps your daemons up while taking up as little resources as possible. After a... |
30 | 136,570 | 108,739 | elasticsnap | Consistent snapshots for elasticsearch |
31 | 155,623 | 66,440 | persistent_excon | Adds configurable connection pools per host for persistent http connections |
32 | 155,641 | 35,789 | outstand-tty-command | Execute shell commands with pretty output logging and capture their stdout, stderr and ... |
33 | 159,582 | 49,619 | detaso-oprah | Opinionated presenters for Rails 5 - without the cruft |
34 | 160,295 | 108,739 | ecs_console | Run a remote console on ECS |