1 | 7,191 | 6,127 | mdb | A library for reading Microsoft Access databases |
2 | 11,274 | 20,168 | slackdown | A converter for Kramdown that converts GitHub-Flavored Markdown to Slack's simplified M... |
3 | 17,204 | 10,708 | hiccup | Hiccup mixes a-la-cart recurrence features into your data structure. It doesn't dictate... |
4 | 21,609 | 11,764 | abstract_importer | Provides services for the mass-import of complex relational data |
5 | 23,350 | 9,189 | houston-core | Mission Control for your projects and teams |
6 | 23,373 | 13,031 | pericope | It recognizes common abbreviations and misspellings for names of the books of the Bible... |
7 | 23,753 | 14,679 | activerecord-insert_many | Adds a method for bulk-inserted records using ActiveRecord |
8 | 25,853 | 13,285 | remotable | Remotable keeps a locally-stored ActiveRecord synchronized with a remote resource. |
9 | 29,444 | 10,604 | openxml-package | A Ruby implementation of OpenXmlPackage from Microsoft's Open XML SDK |
10 | 29,658 | 12,341 | openxml-docx | Create Microsoft Word (.docx) files. |
11 | 29,856 | 13,031 | slacks | A library for communicating via Slack |
12 | 32,194 | 14,275 | attentive | A library for matching messages to natural-language listeners |
13 | 37,151 | 15,703 | pluck_map | A DSL for presenting ActiveRecord::Relations without instantiating ActiveRecord models |
14 | 48,371 | 11,963 | logeater | Parses log files and imports them into a database |
15 | 48,892 | 37,467 | set_builder | A gem for describing constraints on data sets |
16 | 50,192 | 30,828 | active_resource_simulator | A wrapper around HttpMock |
17 | 55,040 | 14,275 | openxml-xlsx | Create Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) files. |
18 | 61,427 | 26,546 | open_xml_package | A Ruby implementation of OpenXmlPackage |
19 | 61,539 | 23,720 | activerecord-pluck_in_batches | Like find_each or find_in_batches but for pluck |
20 | 64,295 | 30,828 | minitest-reporters-turn_reporter | A Minitest Reporter that formats test output like Turn |
21 | 66,020 | 14,275 | openxml-drawingml | Build drawingml files for open xml formats |
22 | 71,960 | 23,720 | neat-rails | It allows editing collections and models inline |
23 | 79,949 | 30,828 | api_logic | Mixes in to ActionController and generates default RESTful actions automatically in a h... |
24 | 85,055 | 23,720 | krill | A text-wrapping algorithm extracted from Prawn |
25 | 92,181 | 37,467 | faraday-raise-errors | Raises exceptions corresponding to HTTP responses |
26 | 106,938 | 30,828 | houston-vestal_versions | Keep a DRY history of your ActiveRecord models' changes |
27 | 107,785 | 37,467 | nested_editor_for | Extends FormBuilder to support editing child records |
28 | 109,107 | 23,720 | boblail-unfuddle | A library for communicating with Unfuddle |
29 | 109,437 | 30,828 | png_stitcher | Stitches an array of PNG blogs into one |
30 | 114,541 | 26,546 | houston-devise_ldap_authenticatable | Devise extension to allow authentication via LDAP |
31 | 114,598 | 50,918 | without | An extension for ActiveRecord for finding broken associations |
32 | 114,815 | 30,828 | synonymous | A client for dictionaryapi.com |
33 | 123,836 | 50,918 | rails_configurator | extend Rails::Configuration |
34 | 132,206 | 37,467 | hayfork | Hayfork generates triggers to maintain a Haystack of all searchable fields that Postgre... |
35 | 136,161 | 23,720 | openxml-pptx | Implements the Office Open XML spec for creating PresentationML documents |
36 | 154,344 | 37,467 | houston-conversations | Describes a DSL for modeling conversations; supports pluggable backends |
37 | 155,178 | 50,918 | houston-oauth-plugin | Rails plugin for implementing an OAuth Provider or Consumer |
38 | 158,355 | 37,467 | houston-roadmaps | A module for Houston to facilitate managing milestones |