Wingrunr21's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,7622,503griddlerSendGrid Parse API client Rails Engine
23,5223,459griddler-sendgridAdapter to allow the use of SendGrid Parse API with Griddler
35,3686,682omniauth-amazonLogin with Amazon OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth 1.0
45,5196,423marionette-railsVendors Backbone.Marionette for use with the asset pipeline.
56,8865,481griddler-mandrillAdapter to allow the use of Mandrill's Inbound Email Processing with Griddler
613,7889,655sass_pathsThis gem provides helper methods for appending directories, and gems to the SASS_PATH e...
719,06938,970gitoliteThis gem is designed to provide a Ruby interface to the gitolite git backend system. T...
819,93020,528ssl_certifierAdds root certificates to the OpenURI module so that SSL connections work properly in R...
922,00138,970backbone-associations-railsBackbone-associations provides a way of specifying 1:1 and 1:N relationships between Ba...
1048,88738,970ft2-rubyFreeType2 bindings for Ruby 1.8 and 1.9
1172,80519,741mindbody-apiA Ruby interface for the MindBody API
1280,59738,970rubocop-guildGuild's RuboCop config based around our preferred style
13108,13238,970flat-ui-sassSASS conversion of Designmodo's Flat UI Free along with tools to convert Flat UI Pro
14123,45338,970backbone-computedfields-railsComputed fields for Backbone.Models, polished for real project needs
15131,25438,970guard-strainerWatch for changes in your chef-repo or cookbook and automatically run Strainer