Mvidner's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,001-ruby-dbusPure Ruby module for interaction with D-Bus IPC system
213,483-code-explorerFind your way around source code written in Ruby
313,505-packaging_rake_tasksRake tasks to allow easy packaging ruby projects in git for Build Service or other pack...
413,885-yast-rakeRake tasks that support work-flow of Yast developer. It allows packaging repo, send it ...
523,102-cfa_grub2Models allowing easy read and modification of GRUB2 configuration files. It is a plugin...
626,175-cfaLibrary offering separation of parsing and file access from the rest of the logic for m...
729,317-libyui-rakeRake tasks that support the workflow of a libyui developer. It allows packaging a repo,...
852,627-rubocop-yastThis is a plugin for the RuboCop code style checker. It checks for YaST specific issues.
966,158-ligniteLignite is a set of Ruby tools to interact with LEGO Mindstorms EV3. It uses the origin...
1088,066-zombie-killerTranslate YCP-like library calls (Ops.*, Builtins.*) to idiomatic Ruby
1197,739-y2rY2R is a transpiler translating YCP (a legacy language used to write parts of YaST) int...
12112,534-ytrelloYtrello are tools to help my Scrum team manage Trello cards and Bugzilla bugs. Much of ...
13118,259-dbus-dumpIt takes an idea from dbus-scrape, which processes a strace output of dbus-monitor, and...
14124,499-net_observerGem allow easy observation of network communication in ruby via ruby network library. I...
15136,393-yard-medoosaEnhance YARD documentation by generating class diagrams.