Mavenlink's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,72910,785morlockDistributed locking with memcached.
211,4109,197my_obfuscateStandalone Ruby code for the selective rewriting of MySQL dumps in order to protect use...
319,95331,183alaskauses a single shared nodejs process to handle ExecJS::Runtime evaluation
421,13914,523brainstemBrainstem allows you to create rich API presenters that know how to filter, sort, and i...
529,70858,808jasmine-fixturesDump out DOM that you want to test. Use jasmine-fixtures to load that DOM into your Jas...
637,32289,538mavenlinkThis is a Ruby API client for Mavenlink. Mavenlink's project collaboration suite allow...
775,53647,536brainstem-jsThe Brainstem API adapter library for Backbone.js