Skorks's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,8272,720nestyNested exception support for Ruby
23,7116,707omniauth-linkedinLinkedIn strategy for OmniAuth.
35,99611,379java_propertiesA class that can read and write to Java properties files that behaves otherwise as a st...
412,81816,522aldousRails brave new world
513,2399,162escortWriting even complex command-line apps should be quick, easy and fun. Escort takes the ...
616,8157,196ingressSimple role based authorization for Ruby applications
727,79823,274active_record_openid_storeA store is required by an OpenID server and optionally by the consumer to store associa...
862,89756,274ppjsonPretty print JSON strings by piping or passing them as arguments, without reordering yo...
972,00656,274machHMAC authentication stuff
1079,03132,343attestAttest allows you to define spec-like tests inline (within the same file as your actual...
11130,62856,274chateauThe nice Hipchat API gem
12164,84256,274subshell_commandIf, like me, you always forget when and how (and why) to use backticks or popen or ...