Schmurfy's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,73247,536ruby-supervisoruses XMLRPC supervisord API to communciate with supervisord
217,20689,538em-zeromqLow level event machine support for ZeroMQ
317,49489,538schmurfy-baconBacon is a small RSpec clone weighing less than 350 LoC but nevertheless providing all ...
525,11712,371get_them_allMass downloader useable as standalone or as a library
625,88116,242dav4rack_extCardDAV / CalDAV implementation
726,76589,538droneDrone is a monitoring library based on the metrics java library
828,33989,538guard-baconRun your bacon specs on file change
931,11717,416vcard_parserA vCard parser
1033,91489,538eeteeTest framework inspired by Bacon
1137,95489,538fiber_poolA General purpose fiber pool
1239,10389,538dloggerAdvanced logger allowing you to include metadata with your messages
1340,90989,538foreign_actorDistributed Actors above Celluloid
1449,20489,538drone_collectdCollectd Interface for Drone
1554,77331,183em-tvdbEM tvdb website wrapper
1656,53689,538drone_jsonJSON Interface for Drone
1766,80389,538rrd-grapherGraphing toolkit for RRD
1868,91989,538size_unitsSome size helpers
1977,51335,144time_unitsSome time helpers
2077,83089,538module_with_paramsinclude module with parameters
21101,61358,808dead_simple_confYAML Config loader
22126,99689,538em-xsEventMachine wrapper for crossroads
23127,54089,538schmurfy-bertBERT Serializiation for Ruby
24128,21689,538schmurfy-em-specSimple BDD API for testing asynchronous Ruby/EventMachine code