1 | 2,862 | 2,670 | imgkit | Uses wkhtmltoimage to create Images using HTML |
2 | 22,538 | 66,440 | checkcheckit | Checklists like a boss |
3 | 29,657 | 66,440 | sinatra-google-auth | Drop-in google auth for sinatra apps |
4 | 33,092 | 66,440 | lucy-goosey | Simple, fast, and looose command line option parser. |
5 | 35,910 | 49,619 | smart_env | Allows you to register Proxy classes for ENV vars by using blocks to match keys and values |
6 | 40,241 | 49,619 | env.rb | Allows your to manage many ENV vars by declaring them as dependencies on ENV vars and t... |
7 | 44,882 | 66,440 | cablegator | Downloads Wikileaks Cables to current directory |
8 | 48,808 | 108,739 | rack_staging | Automatically protects your staging app from web crawlers and casual visitors. |
9 | 61,825 | 108,739 | env-conf | Follwing 12-factor principles, we use the ENV vars for configuration. |
10 | 65,391 | 108,739 | rack-worker | Rack middleware that implements the Worker Pattern |
11 | 75,621 | 108,739 | irccat | Write a gem description |
12 | 93,012 | 108,739 | jersey | Set of composable middleware and helpers for production sinatra APIs |
13 | 103,074 | 49,619 | callchain | Simple, composalbe call chains |
14 | 118,064 | 108,739 | shamir-secret-sharing | Gem for Shamir's Secret Sharing |
15 | 139,176 | 66,440 | monotonic | Provides syscalls to the monotonically increasing system clock |