Southdesign's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
127,46556,059spineboxA ready to use spine.js rack skeleton builder with development server, routes, config a...
242,25676,031bigbenchSetup a network of bots only waiting to attack a few lonesome servers and force them to...
346,36633,042bookyCreate a full blown book pdf from a textile file using prawn
467,01576,031redcloth-formatters-docbookAllows RedCloth to convert .textiles to Docbook XMLs
581,19076,031benji_nodeThis node collects the data for the benji profiler for rails that you can clone from ht...
682,06776,031redcloth-formatters-astA RedCloth formatter that compiles textile to an AST
788,34576,031scales-serverSuper Scale Caching Framework - Server
888,35176,031scales-workerSuper Scale Caching Framework - Worker
988,44876,031scales-monitorSuper Scale Caching Framework - Monitor Server
1088,71176,031scales-coreSuper Scale Caching Framework - Core
1190,66376,031scalesScaleable caching framework with 100% cache coverage, async server instances and sync w...
12122,46576,031scales-frameworkScaleable caching framework with 100% cache coverage, async server instances and sync w...
13129,06576,031xcode-project-renamerProject renaming is a pain with XCode. Use this gem to rename any XCode project in a ve...
14130,41756,059s3-deployUploads a folder to S3. On a new upload it checks if the file was updated locally, else...
15133,73376,031redcloth-formatters-rdocA RedCloth formatter that compiles textile to rdoc