Happynoff's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,1003,049simple-navigationWith the simple-navigation gem installed you can easily create multilevel navigations f...
211,3479,849memfsMemFs provides a fake file system that can be used for tests. Strongly inspired by FakeFS.
312,47715,151AbsoluteRenamerAbsoluteRenamer is a very powerful tool that helps files and directories renaming using...
420,4398,606pdfmonkeyGenerate awesome PDF with web technologies at pdfmonkey.io
522,49818,432arianeAriane is a flexible breadcrumb system for Rails. It is fully compatible with the Twitt...
625,63056,274mustachejs-railsThis gem provides mustache.js for your Rails 3 application.
730,54856,274versioned_seedsManage your seed scripts by versioning them
836,33156,274mustdownRails helpers to use Markdown and Mustache all together
955,17356,274sinatra-has_scopeHasScope readaptation for the Sinatra micro-framework
1064,27438,928AbsoluteRenamer-systemAbsoluteRenamer extension that provides system informations (such as username, OS name,...
1169,10938,928AbsoluteRenamer-dateAbsoluteRenamer extension that provides date functions (such as NOW or file date, ...) ...
1271,17556,274business_pipelineA new business pipeline architecture for Rails applications
1378,47038,928activerecord-auto_defaultsSets the default values of nil attributes based on the database schema.
1478,99056,274ruployIf you want to manage several Rack apps using different versions of Ruby via RVM, Ruplo...
1587,06256,274gettext_jsonRails plugin that make possible to use GetText ranslations in javascipt.
16118,03456,274mini_colors-railsjQuery miniColors for Rails 3.1+