Joaodrp's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
181,708144,505visor-metaThe VISOR Meta System, responsible for maintaining image metadata.
281,775106,746visor-imageThe VISOR Image System, the VISOR front-end API.
381,818144,505visor-authThe VISOR Auth System, responsible for maintaining VISOR users accounts.
4101,002144,505visor-commonThe VISOR Common System, a set of utility methods.
5101,433144,505visor-webThe VISOR Web System, a Web application dashboard with VISOR statistical information.
6125,455106,746s3-restfulAn EventMachine based client for S3 compatible APIs
7128,508106,746s3restfulAn EventMachine based client for S3 compatible APIs