Inukshuk's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,4792,957namaeNamae (名前) is a parser for human names. It recognizes personal names of various cultura...
23,8693,056bibtex-rubyBibTeX-Ruby is the Rubyist's swiss-army-knife for all things BibTeX. It includes a pars...
34,0543,118latex-decodeDecodes strings formatted in LaTeX to equivalent Unicode strings.
44,1373,401citeproc-rubyCiteProc-Ruby is a Citation Style Language (CSL) 1.0.1 compatible cite processor implem...
54,2183,521cslA Ruby parser and full API for the Citation Style Language (CSL), an open XML-based lan...
64,5613,826csl-stylesThe official Citation Style Language (CSL) styles and locale files.
74,6143,887citeprocA cite processor interface for Citation Style Language (CSL) styles.
84,7323,649jekyll-scholarJekyll-Scholar is for all the academic bloggers out there. It is a set of extensions fo...
99,51811,266edtfA Ruby implementation of the Extended Date/Time Format (EDTF).
1011,75610,060anystyle-parserA sophisticated parser for academic reference lists and bibliographies based on machine...
1114,74911,379wapitiThis gem provides a Ruby API for Conditional Random Fields (CRF).
1215,2879,782anystyleA sophisticated parser for academic reference lists and bibliographies based on machine...
1319,56911,627anystyle-dataAnyStyle parser dictionary data
1440,01613,644anystyle-cliA command line interface to the AnyStyle Parser and Finder.
1551,39756,274citeproc-jsA citeproc engine based on the citeproc-js CSL (Citation Style Language) processor.
1651,56556,274crfppA Ruby extension to interface with CRF++, the Conditional Random Fields library written...