Bf4's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1101108simplecovCode coverage for Ruby with a powerful configuration library and automatic merging of c...
2105113simplecov-htmlDefault HTML formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool for ruby 2.4+
3124131crackReally simple JSON and XML parsing, ripped from Merb and Rails.
4346392active_model_serializersActiveModel::Serializers allows you to generate your JSON in an object-oriented and con...
5631496case_transformExtraction of the key_transform abilities of ActiveModelSerializers
6720575acts-as-taggable-onWith ActsAsTaggableOn, you can tag a single model on several contexts, such as skills, ...
71,1121,141rails-erdAutomatically generate an entity-relationship diagram (ERD) for your Rails models.
81,6651,773rack-utf8_sanitizerRack::UTF8Sanitizer is a Rack middleware which cleans up invalid UTF8 characters in req...
93,7266,577metric_fuCode metrics from Flog, Flay, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi, Code Statistics, and Rails B...
104,4637,145metric_fu-SaikuroWhen given Ruby source code Saikuro will generate a report listing the cyclomatic c...
114,4977,121code_metricsrake stats is great for looking at statistics on your code, displaying things like KLOC...
124,6389,220where-orWhere or function backport from Rails 5 for Rails 4.2
137,6343,600sidekiq-delay_extensionsExtracted from Sidekiq 6.0, compatible with Sidekiq 7.0
1410,09723,898metric_fu-roodiRoodi stands for Ruby Object Oriented Design Inferometer
1539,183141,551acts_as_taggable_onWith ActsAsTaggableOn, you can tag a single model on several contexts, such as skills, ...
1639,59637,371yui-railsEasy integration of YUI #{YUI::Rails::YUI_VERSION} with the Rails asset pipeline.
1744,66812,980faraday-xmlFaraday XML Middleware.
1854,531141,551bf4-metric_fuCode metrics from Flog, Flay, Simplecov-RCov, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi, Rails' stats...
1956,63937,371slackupBackup slack channels with just a name and a token
2077,92467,524metric_fu-metricalMetricFu no longer need metrical. It runs on the commandline all by itself
21109,108141,551bf4-browsercmsA fork that can be used as a gem with Bundler as the model Task has been changed to Tas...
22109,332141,551bf4-bcms_newsThe News Module for BrowserCMS. Fork along with bf4-browsercms to use better namespace ...
23111,34817,443summarize-meetingA command line utility that summarizes a meeting using generative language models.
24117,970141,551bf4-metricalMetricFu is awesome! The only problem is that it's kinda obtrusive. Metrical provides a...
25120,10880,697AMSAMS is placeholder gem for the AMS namespace, used by the active_model_serializers gem.
26120,471102,511api_doc_serverMountable Rails engine that serves API Docs for your Swagger/OpenAPI docs.
27120,691141,551bf4-yui-railsEasy integration of YUI with the Rails asset pipeline.
28121,908141,551code_notescode notes task extracted from Rails
29123,899141,551crack-without-safe_yamlReally simple JSON and XML parsing, ripped from Merb and Rails.
30134,536102,511gem-checksumgem checksum [gem]
31140,35628, { dance! }.then { |result| leave_friends_behind(!result) }.rescue { |er...
32151,375141,551encoded_stringExtracted from rspec-support. See
33157,907102,511fast_multi_jsonAdapterless multi-JSON encoder/decoder
34174,63223,898faraday-oauth1Faraday OAuth1 Middleware.