1 | 689 | 592 | slack-ruby-client | Slack Web and RealTime API client. |
2 | 836 | 1,257 | formtastic | A Rails form builder plugin/gem with semantically rich and accessible markup |
3 | 9,775 | 9,888 | codeclimate-parallel-test-reporter | Wraps codeclimate-test-reporter to send parallel test results with ease |
4 | 11,808 | 11,426 | kicker | Allows you to fire specific command on file-system change. |
5 | 15,833 | 91,437 | rack-no_animations | Rack middleware to stop CSS/jQuery animations. |
6 | 17,712 | 50,918 | config_for | Simplifies YAML parsing in Sinatra and Rails applications. Provides tools to generate c... |
7 | 19,281 | 91,437 | o2h | Collection of recipes and gem dependencies for o2h deployment |
8 | 23,695 | 91,437 | rack-x_served_by | Allows you to know from which server the response originated from. |
9 | 31,696 | 91,437 | pg_dumper | Provides abstraction layer between pg_dump utility and ruby. Also adds rake task to eas... |
10 | 33,601 | 91,437 | rack-jspm | Aids development by adding caching headers for jspm packages |
11 | 39,790 | 23,720 | yard-delegate | Generates docs for delegated methods |
12 | 44,600 | 91,437 | prss | Simple fetcher of HDbits private RSS stream |
13 | 45,385 | 91,437 | stack_commander | Write simple commands that execute on stack |
14 | 50,016 | 50,918 | jenkins-build | Using Github Pull Request Plugin and Jenkins with GitHub authentication |
15 | 50,310 | 91,437 | rspec-dom-testing | Wraps rails-dom-testing into RSpec matchers. |
16 | 60,117 | 91,437 | miser | Will annoy you every day with how much you spent last day. |
17 | 66,794 | 91,437 | radiant-tools-extension | Various tools (method, tags) for Radiant projects |
18 | 76,454 | 50,918 | capistrano-github | Integrates Capistrano with Github Deployments API |
19 | 81,086 | 91,437 | sinatra_bicyclist | Cycle through pages at a regular interval |
20 | 89,596 | 37,467 | unicorn-prewarm | To prewarm workers, warm caches and load everything before real requests. |
21 | 110,351 | 91,437 | kontejner | DNS server for Docker running on Ruby |
22 | 112,062 | 91,437 | fake_bsmobil | Ruby API faking Bank Sabadell API. Useful for testing clients. |
23 | 132,958 | 91,437 | validate_uri | Library for validating urls in Rails. |
24 | 133,931 | 50,918 | october | IRC Bot |
25 | 134,127 | 50,918 | bamboo-ruby | No dependencies other than standard library |
26 | 142,849 | 91,437 | marathon-ruby | No dependencies other than standard library |
27 | 153,736 | 91,437 | newrelic-roda | newrelic instrument for roda |
28 | 167,782 | 91,437 | radiant-taginator-extension | Original extension - https://github.com/jomz/radiant-tags-extension |