Sixarm's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1588613sixarm_ruby_unaccentUnaccent replaces a string's accented characters with unaccented characters
28,10689, » Ruby » SecureToken to generate a cryptographic string that is web-friendly...
319,73740,337sixarm_ruby_email_address_validationEmail address validation using RFC 822 pattern matching regular expressions
427,69735,144sixarm_ruby_magic_number_typeTool to parse the first bytes of a file and compare it to a list of known mime types.
536,60989,538sixarm_ruby_rampAdds extensions to Array, Date, Enumerable, File, Hash, IO, String, Time, etc.
643,90289,538sixarm_ruby_to_idToId converts types to ids and uuids
744,52289,538sixarm_ruby_fabGenerate sample names, places, agents, tweets, etc.
845,80489,538sixarm_ruby_minitest_extensionsA few simple Minitest assertions and expectations
949,96789, » Ruby » CurrentUser module for Ruby On Rails to get and set a user in a ses...
1051,79289,538sixarm_ruby_xidXID generates a new random id, suitable for foreign keys, security authentication, uniq...
1151,97089,538sixarm_ruby_time_stampTime stamp methods to generate a string with formating such as RFC ISO datetime
1256,49089,538sixarm_ruby_numeric_roundNumeric #round, #floor, #ceil, #truncate methods
1358,52889,538sixarm_ruby_weekWeek model based on Ruby Date
1459,04225,774sixarm_ruby_time_terseTime.terse methods to generate a string formatted with YMDHMSN
1560,51689,538sixarm_ruby_current_user_idCurrentUserId module to get and set the current user in a Rails session
1667,24789,538sixarm_ruby_range_parseRange.parse method to convert text to a Range object
1767,99889,538sixarm_ruby_pro_loggerLogs more information than the typical Ruby logger.
1868,45289,538sixarm_ruby_math_statisticsMath statitics methods for sum, mean, median, mode, variance, deviation, etc.
1969,39789,538sixarm_ruby_array_sliceProvide Array #slice_by_share, #slice_by_size
2069,76389,538sixarm_ruby_person_namePersonName methods to calculate a person's full name, list name, initials, etc.
2176,44189,538sixarm_ruby_rexmlREXML extensions for XML documents, elements, and attributes
2277,91289, » Ruby » ActiveRecord mock object for methods read_attribute and write_attri...
2378,39989,538sixarm_ruby_date_stampDate.stamp method for RFC ISO date stamp
2480,88289,538sixarm_ruby_blobKeep track of data as a file, or URI, with basic upload etc.
2583,88289,538sixarm_ruby_hash_moreHashMore class to create a recursive hash
2685,84289,538sixarm_ruby_alpha_bravoNATO alphabet helper that provides words for alpha, bravo, charlie, delta, etc.
2788,70189,538sixarm_ruby_markdownMarkdown general purpose classes
2897,54389,538sixarm_ruby_date_ageProvide Date #age_in_days, #age_in_years
2997,83289, » Ruby » PasswordAttribute model to provides read/write for an ActiveRecord ...
3098,75289,538sixarm_ruby_markdown_table_of_contentsGenerate a Markdown table of contents via headlines, links, and anchors
3198,77789, » Ruby » PasswordHash class for secure password hashing with plain text and ...
3298,96389, » Ruby » PasswordSalt class to generate secure websafe strings using random ...
3399,04347, » Ruby » Password text generator for strong web-savvy passwords
34100,57689,538sixarm_ruby_geometryGeometry modules with strong types, e.g. a vector with width, height, depth.
35101,35689,538sixarm_ruby_migration_helper_extensionsMigration helper extensions for Ruby On Rails development
36103,08989,538sixarm_ruby_date_daysAdds extensions and constants for days of the week
37107,52089,538sixarm_ruby_usptoU.S. Patent and Trademark Office parsing helpers
38107,65858,808sixarm_ruby_xml_stripXML#strip methods to clean up XML and HTML
39108,23489,538sixarm_ruby_xml_loadXML#load methods to easily load and parse XML
40109,05989,538sixarm_ruby_string_to_classString#to_class method to convert a string to a class.
41109,76189,538sixarm_ruby_numeric_percentNumeric#percent method to calculate a percentage
42110,96489,538sixarm_ruby_http_status_codesHTTP Status Codes as constants, such as Net::HTTP::Status::OK = 200
43111,33689,538sixarm_ruby_metric_namesMetric names for numbers, such as kilo, mega, giga
44113,55889,538sixarm_ruby_action_dispatch_response_jsonConvert response.body to response.json
45113,73789,538sixarm_ruby_google_maps_apiUse the Google Maps API to geocode an address to a latitude and longitude
46114,29689,538sixarm_ruby_date_time_randAdds extensions for DateTime#rand, Date#rand, Time#rand
47118,00589,538sixarm_ruby_yaml_load_globExtends YAML with #load_glob_documents and #load_glob_keys
48120,50058,808sixarm_ruby_sign_outSign Out abstraction for a typical web app user
49120,54089,538sixarm_ruby_sign_inSign In abstraction for a typical web app user
50120,87389,538sixarm_ruby_minitest_equal_collectionA Minitest assertion & expectation to compare two collections, such as enumerations or ...
51121,56289, » Ruby » secure random number method for Ruby 1.8.6
52125,32289,538sixarm_ruby_rails_dark_sky_apiDark Sky API gem to get weather forecasts
53131,19989,538sixarm_ruby_geocode_addressSixArm Ruby Gem: sixarm_ruby_geocode_address
54131,59089, » Ruby » YAML load documents via globs for many files at once
55131,68258,808sixarm_ruby_minitest_assert_assignA Minitest assertion & expectation to compare the assigns(:symbol) method, which is typ...
56131,91689,538sixarm_ruby_minitest_assert_equal_via_sendA Minitest assertion & expectation to compare two objects by sending a message
57133,05089, » Ruby » Pathname#dirnames method to iterate on parent directories
58133,23189, » Ruby » REXML::Element.new_with_options methods
59133,96389, Ruby Class#defining and Class#redfining methods to detect if you're creating...
60134,41089, » Ruby » Kernel#commander method sugar for Open4::spawn
61136,96589, » Ruby » Numeric#floor_precision to truncate a number to digits
62137,79447,536sixarm_ruby_colorfulGenerate plausible color names, such as "Bright Red", "Vivid Green", "Deep Blue"
63139,83689,538sixarm_ruby_equal_instance_variablesDefine the `==` method to compare two objects' classes, instance variables, and their v...
64141,06189,538sixarm_ruby_file_rewriteFile#rewrite method to safely write a tempfile then move it over an existing file
65143,40889,538sixarm_ruby_zidZID generates a new random id, suitable for foreign keys, security authentication, uniq...
66152,78189,538sixarm_ruby_action_controller_mockThis provides basics we need; you probably won't ever need to use this gem.
67154,05589,538sixarm_ruby_application_controller_mockApplicationContoller mock object for testing Ruby On Rails
68158,37889,538sixarm_ruby_integer_mapInteger#map method to run a block multiple times
69158,94189,538sixarm_ruby_vitalVital class for debugging, logging, profiling, etc.
70164,67189,538sixarm_ruby_date_time_randomAdds extensions for DateTime#random, Date#random, Time#random
71165,35389,538sixarm_ruby_sign_in_simpleSign In methods for a simple sessions in a Rails application
72165,39389,538sixarm_ruby_sign_out_simpleSign Out methods for a a simple session in a Rails application
73165,49158,808sixarm_ruby_xhr_to_xmlXHR to XML request format changer for Ruby On Rails, JQuery, AJAX
74166,30989,538sixarm_ruby_active_record_migration_mockActiveRecord migration mock object for testing
75168,04989,538sixarm_ruby_string_index_afterString#index_after method to find the index positon after a match
76168,13989,538sixarm_ruby_string_replace_betweenString#replace_between method to find the index positon after a match