Wandenberg's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,9659,275resque-pauseA Resque plugin to add functionality to pause resque jobs through the web interface. U...
218,60617,204mongoid_query_string_interfaceGives a method that can parse query string parameters into a set of criterias that Mong...
328,67127,962smartgenSmartgen generates static HTML files from markup files, using textile or markdown, and ...
434,15129,930query_string_interfaceThis gem extracts params given as a hash to structured data, that can be used when crea...
556,28441,979nginx_test_helperA collection of helper methods to test your nginx module.
684,091105,358activemqActiveMQ client for Ruby using openwire protocol through activemq-cpp client
791,243105,358smartgen_syntaxhighlighterUse Syntax Highlighter plugin when generating files with smartgen
8110,609105,358carrierwave-nightcrawler-swiftA store for carrierwave that uses swift. NightcrawlerSwift client is used for authenica...
9131,215105,358smartgen_erbUse Erb plugin when generating files with smartgen