Phlipper's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,53312,045sugar-railsSugar, tastefully bundled for the Rails 3.0 and up. Sweet!
212,70413,560markitup-railsThe markItUp! universal markup editor, bundled for Rails 3.1+ Asset Pipeline.
321,47037,537thincloud-testOpinionated test dependencies and conventions for Ruby applications.
426,53425,520thincloud-authenticationRails Engine to provide authentication for Thincloud applications
536,01114,745keymaster-railsKeymaster.js, bundled for Rails 3.0 and up.
640,36125,520thincloud-postmarkPostmark configuration for Rails apps.
761,18625,520thincloud-resqueThincloud Resque is an extraction of the New Leaders resque recipes packaged up as a Ra...
875,20325,520thincloud-test-railsOpinionated testing framework dependencies and configuration for Rails applications.
978,83837,537rails-test-toolboxAn opinionated list of helpful testing tools for working with Ruby on Rails.
1080,26225,520pinboard_apiA Ruby client for the API
1180,35510,411farbtastic-railsFarbtastic jQuery Color Picker, colorfully bundled for Rails 3+.
1294,79337,537year_after_yearThis plugin allows you to keep your copyright year up-to-date.
1397,409132,035rails-development-toolboxAn opinionated list of helpful development tools for working with Ruby on Rails.
14100,35437,537keyboardjs-railsKeyboardJS, typed up for the Rails 3.0 and up. Sweet!
15100,86525,520rails-queueRails.queue (from Rails 4), backported to Rails 3.2+
16101,36525,520phlipper-gem-testTest gem to see if I can cut gems like @elskwid
17101,38937,537rails-four-queueingIt's the Queue from Rails 4, backported to Rails 3.2+ for your Queueing pleasure.
18103,05837,537thincloud-deploymentOpinionated framework dependencies, configuration, and recipes for Capistrano-based dep...
19118,99525,520forem-kramdownProvides Kramdown markup (with syntax highlighting by CodeRay) for Forem posts
20122,26537,537chaves-railschaves.js, bundled for Rails 3.0 and up.
21126,42025,520dead_letter_officeUndeliverable emails (deliveries which raise exceptions) will be logged to the database...