Jpmckinney's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,3086,981color-generatorRandomly generate distinct colors with consistent lightness and saturation
27,7387,689tf-idf-similarityCalculates the similarity between texts using tf*idf
312,2704,622fastcsvA fast Ragel-based CSV parser, compatible with Ruby's CSV
419,29049,384pupaA data scraping framework
523,31313,256netstringA netstring parser and emitter
627,02517,950govkit-caGovKit-CA lets you quickly get encapsulated Ruby objects for Canadian civic data.
739,05649,384multi_mailEasily switch between email APIs
847,110107,996scraperwiki-apiA Ruby wrapper for the ScraperWiki API
947,12666,011popitA Ruby wrapper for the PopIt API
1050,88766,011unbreakableAbstracts and bulletproofs scraping tasks
1167,38066,011popoloA Rails engine for open government websites.
1275,09366,011citizen_budget_modelThe Citizen Budget budget simulation model
1380,380107,996whos_got_dirtA federated search API for influence data
1483,10740,936lycopodiumTest what transformations you can make to a set of values without creating collisions
15100,775107,996copy_paste_pdfConverts PDF to CSV by copy-pasting from Apple's Preview to Microsoft Excel
16106,34166,011pybossa-apiA Ruby wrapper for the PyBossa API
17109,97966,011token_actionRedeem tokens to perform actions.
18114,47349,384indoor_voiceLowercase all-caps strings excluding acronyms
19153,277107,996rabx-messageA RPC using Anything But XML (RABX) message parser and emitter