1 | 6,308 | 6,981 | color-generator | Randomly generate distinct colors with consistent lightness and saturation |
2 | 7,738 | 7,689 | tf-idf-similarity | Calculates the similarity between texts using tf*idf |
3 | 12,270 | 4,622 | fastcsv | A fast Ragel-based CSV parser, compatible with Ruby's CSV |
4 | 19,290 | 49,384 | pupa | A data scraping framework |
5 | 23,313 | 13,256 | netstring | A netstring parser and emitter |
6 | 27,025 | 17,950 | govkit-ca | GovKit-CA lets you quickly get encapsulated Ruby objects for Canadian civic data. |
7 | 39,056 | 49,384 | multi_mail | Easily switch between email APIs |
8 | 47,110 | 107,996 | scraperwiki-api | A Ruby wrapper for the ScraperWiki API |
9 | 47,126 | 66,011 | popit | A Ruby wrapper for the PopIt API |
10 | 50,887 | 66,011 | unbreakable | Abstracts and bulletproofs scraping tasks |
11 | 67,380 | 66,011 | popolo | A Rails engine for open government websites. |
12 | 75,093 | 66,011 | citizen_budget_model | The Citizen Budget budget simulation model |
13 | 80,380 | 107,996 | whos_got_dirt | A federated search API for influence data |
14 | 83,107 | 40,936 | lycopodium | Test what transformations you can make to a set of values without creating collisions |
15 | 100,775 | 107,996 | copy_paste_pdf | Converts PDF to CSV by copy-pasting from Apple's Preview to Microsoft Excel |
16 | 106,341 | 66,011 | pybossa-api | A Ruby wrapper for the PyBossa API |
17 | 109,979 | 66,011 | token_action | Redeem tokens to perform actions. |
18 | 114,473 | 49,384 | indoor_voice | Lowercase all-caps strings excluding acronyms |
19 | 153,277 | 107,996 | rabx-message | A RPC using Anything But XML (RABX) message parser and emitter |