Zinenko's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
114,150106,159vk-rubyVK-RUBY gives you full access to all vk.com API features. Has several types of method ...
217,91734,446pqPriority queue / heap implementation
332,206106,159transformerModule facilitates the creation of many methods with the same logic.
460,41958,867attr_configurableYet another configurable module
564,77843,520attr_exgem расширяющий возможноти стандартных атрибутов attr_accessor_d...
666,716106,159vk-consoleRuby console for vk.com API
770,12529,849fb2FictionBook parser
895,87258,867billboard-rbRuby wrapper for Billboard.com API
9101,180106,159yandex_mlYandex market language file SAX parser
10123,62458,867faraday_utfWrite a longer description. Optional.
11127,95090,275fountFount это консольная утилита на подобии tar, которой даются файлы, она их склеивает, и ...
12131,30843,520befunge93Befunge is a stack-based, reflective, esoteric programming language. It differs from co...
13138,569106,159water_pouringLiquid water pouring puzzles solver
14145,606106,159pg_notifyA few helpers to work with commands NOTIFY / LISTEN in Postgresql.
15147,45958,867chpokerChpok your poker
16147,80558,867bridge_and_torchBridge and torch problem solver
17150,86590,275hfHuffman coding implemetation
19153,929106,159sortsSort algorithms
20156,297106,159virtualearthBing maps api wrapper. implemented: - Locations API - Elevations API - Imagery API ...