Cadwallion's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19398dotenvLoads environment variables from `.env`.
2255303dotenv-railsAutoload dotenv in Rails.
323,41833,042bnet_scraperBnetScraper is a Nokogiri-based scraper of Starcraft 2 profile information.
447,77876,031strumbarAn instrumentation utility.
553,47733,042brewscribeA Beersmith (.bsmx) file parser
667,34676,031tassadarPure ruby MPQ and SC2 Replay parser
798,81145,533brewbyThe core components of the Brewby brewing system
8105,47576,031torrent_rssManage parsing RSS files for torrents and downloading them
9116,08056,059bracket_treeBinary Tree based bracketing system
10130,73776,031timeframesManage start-stop timeframes and a series of timeframes for pattern matching and iterat...
11130,77956,059gem_repackagerRepackage your installed gems
12132,48156,059brewby-cliAn ncurses-based terminal application for the Brewby ecosystem
13136,12076,031temper-controlTemperature Controller Library
14138,75176,031muxitSimplify solo development with tmux